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Things happen for a reason

Last July, hubby went for a job interview/test as a copywriter for an ad agency. While he did pass the exam and the boss wanted to get him, in the end, he didn’t get the job because we went to Manila for three weeks and the boss was looking to fill the position quite urgently.

I knew that he was at least a little disappointed, because I know he wants to contribute more financially, but I reassured him that it was ok and he could just keep doing his freelance gig, which is a job that he loves.

And now, I’m so happy that he’s getting a contract full time job in the exact line of work he’s freelancing in. It’s the perfect job for him, it’s in a good location, and the money is so much better.

I really do believe that things happen for a reason. Like I told hubby, God will answer our prayers and do the right thing – at the right time.

September 22, 2009 at 12:07 pm 2 comments

Singapore to accept fewer foreigners

This really isn’t what I wanted to know a couple of weeks after submitting our PR application.

I can just cross my fingers that our application is good enough.

September 16, 2009 at 3:49 pm 1 comment

bimbo alert

I just spent the last hour listening to a co-worker talking very loudly on the phone about the most bimbotic topics ever. She was so loud – she obviously doesn’t care that everyone in the vicinity can hear what she’s talking about. Nor does she seem to care that she was not working.

I guess maybe because at this point, no one likes her at all anyway.

September 16, 2009 at 3:41 pm 1 comment


i have been tagged by pen:

“Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about himself or herself. People who get tagged need to write a blog entry of their own as well as state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to tag 6 people as well and list their names. Don’t forget to let them know they’ve been tagged!”

6 weird things about me:

  1. I am a girl who doesn’t enjoy shopping for clothes. Nuff said.
  2. Whenever I see URLs somewhere (e.g. fliers, buses, posters, calling cards, etc), I feel compelled to look at them when I go online.
  3. Everytime I watch a movie, I have to visit its IMDB page.
  4. I can listen to several different conversations at once, fueled probably by wanting to know everything.
  5. I used to hate this particular Giordano shirt that was popular in 1994/1995 (you know, the plain ones that come in different colors with the little Giordano man on the left chest part) because they were soooo ubiquitous. I would go to a mall and count how many people I saw wearing it, and I swore that I would never wear that shirt. I still haven’t.
  6. I compulsively read up on showbiz news, both Pinoy and Hollywood.

I am tagging Bea, Leah, Tin, Ate Sienna, Michelle, and Bunny. 🙂

June 4, 2007 at 7:17 pm Leave a comment


Once again, my horoscope is right on the mark:

You are making some positive changes and important connections for the better in certain areas of your life right now, ELLEN. Honor these transformations and realize the positive impact they are having on your life. At the same time, however, it could be that some of these changes are causing disruptions in your romantic life. There may be power plays going on between you and a person, or group of people close to you. Build your confidence from the inside out and let up on the reins just a bit.

As of tomorrow, I will be able to sleep in, which I haven’t been able to do over the past eight months. I have been working daily (Mondays to Sundays, including public holidays!) from 9 in the morning to close to 9 at night. While the work is enjoyable, the conditions in which I have been working under are far from ideal. I won’t elaborate further given the very public nature of this blog, but suffice it to say that it is all for the better.

Meanwhile, to celebrate this very positive change, I am going to take a vacation to Manila within the next few days. Woohoo! I’ll be able to go back and see my family, and most of all, finally get to meet the newest addition, my nephew Gab.

As for the power play…let’s just say that I’ve been going through this for so long now. It’s energy draining, and ultimately a waste of time to even think about it. I’m doing my best to not care and just live my life quietly and in peace. And I am hoping that given my newfound freedom, I will be able to run my life as I please.

June 3, 2007 at 10:08 pm Leave a comment

home sick

Yes, I’m both homesick and at home, sick.

Or recovering anyway. My throat’s been bothering me since yesterday afternoon, and had a headache practically the whole afternoon today. Left work as soon as I could for some much needed rest. I’ve been sleeping early lately, actually, so I should be getting enough rest. Maybe I just caught some germs from H, who’s had a bad cough for a few days now.

Meanwhile, I’m homesick because I was supposed to go home last week, but had a sudden change of plans. I love being here because I get to be with my hubby, of course. But oh my, I do miss my family (and I hate the thought that I’m missing Gab’s baby days!)…and I miss all the places and food and things I used to enjoy in Manila.

It’s really only when you don’t have something anymore that you really, truly appreciate it. So much so that some things get idealized, that you forget the bad things in Manila. But seriously, life back home has been so good to me that it’s really no wonder I’m homesick.

Oh well….my dad told me they’ll probably be going here soon — still trying to convince my sister to come here with her baby. So that should take care of the homesickness. As for being sick at home now…well, lots of medicine and rest should take care of that. See! All’s well that ends well.

May 5, 2007 at 7:56 pm Leave a comment

Good Friday

It was SO busy at work today. Since it’s a three day weekend, most people took advantage of this fact by going to the mall. Worked so hard since this morning serving people food and drinks, bussing tables left and right, washing dishes till I had dishpan hands. Ah, the life of an F&B slave.

Was intending to fast today to observe Good Friday, but by 8 pm tonight, I was so hungry that when hubby asked me to buy food for me and him at 7-11, I did, and ate it when I got back because I was already feeling quite faint. Well, my mom did say that God would understand, and that my intention still counts…but still; I feel bad that I couldn’t even fast. Darn lack of self-control!

Talked to my mom and sister earlier..luckily they called when I could take a few minutes away from work..I miss them so much! This is one thing that is so hard about living abroad. Missing my family, missing special moments with family and friends, and just plain not being with them. I’m already looking forward to being with them when they come here again to visit me in June.

Anyhoo, have a holy weekend everyone!

April 6, 2007 at 9:35 pm Leave a comment

The Gift of Gab

Originally uploaded by sunnyphotos.

Mark this date: I am now officially an aunt! My younger sister just gave birth to a bouncing baby boy earlier tonight.

Wish I can see him soon!!! Yippee, my dad just sent me his picture! Isn’t he adorable??

March 30, 2007 at 10:49 pm Leave a comment

My feet hurt.

I have this cute pair of pink shoes that I really like, but they sure hurt my right little toe like anything! H likes seeing me wear them too, so that’s another reason why I wear them. I was trying to find nice shoes at Tang’s when we went out earlier, but nothing just appealed to me. I’d rather wait for shoes that I like than just buy so-so shoes for the heck of it.

I did get to buy some nice undies from Wacoal today, so the afternoon wasn’t a bust (oops, pardon the pun!). Funny, H was the only guy waiting in the lingerie section…he actually hates being in that area; it makes him feel uncomfortable. Anyhoo…I was cringing at the prices of brassieres…they’re so expensive! My mom used to buy them for me back home, but since I’m here and married, H is the one who buys them for me now. But of course, now I see how much they are, and it’s like, whoo. But then again, as Oprah said…you can’t expect to adequately support your boobs with a $5 bra, can you!

June 21, 2006 at 5:15 pm Leave a comment

If this doesn’t freak you out, I don’t know what will.

You choose a random two digit number, then you’re supposed to add the two digits of that number then subtract the sum from your original number. When you get the answer, you then find its corresponding symbol, stare at it for ten seconds, and then that symbol will magically flash bigger on the screen.

How freaky is that??? You don’t even have to type anything or interact with the pc at all, and yet it always gets it right!

I tried to fool it by just staring at a random symbol, but it didn’t work. When I tried it with a real number again, it worked just fine. What did I say? Freeeaky!


Meanwhile, here’s a great way to waste your time if you’re bored: Sushi Samurai. I’ve been playing this for two days now and it’s so addicting!

No wonder I felt like killing the puffer fish, radish, and shiitake mushroom when I ate at Wasabi Bistro for lunch today!

June 20, 2006 at 11:18 pm Leave a comment

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