Archive for December 18, 2002

Is it really the end of Wednesday already? Seems like it’s even harder to track which day it is because of the hecticness of work. I’m taking in more than my usual field of responsibilites, and although I am having fun assembling goodie boxes and talking to customers and all that, it seems like I hardly get time off to breathe and relax. Even lunch hour is not exactly an hour anymore, especially when the phone rings and I have to answer a call. We all have to pitch in here, what with being a small office and all so I don’t mind. I hardly get to read my favorite blogs anymore. Boohoo. I keep promising myself that I will, but somehow, the day seems too short and I don’t find time at all.

When I get home, the most I can do is talk on the phone with The Boy for a while, then I just really have to hit the sack. I hardly get to watch TV, except for my beloved TAR, which will end tomorrow. Sniff. And why am I not losing weight? Grr. With all the waking up early and work that I have to do, why isn’t it affecting this part of my life, hmmm? Darnit. Of all the things that remains inactive, it has to be this. What STILL remains very active is my dreamworld, which left me absolutely flat out tired this morning when I woke up, hair all mussed up. Which made me wonder: what if when we dream, we are actually in a whole other plane in a parallel universe and all these things are really happening to us, only in another plane? Heh.

Anyhoo, a bunch of papers just got stacked in my desk, so back to work I go. Toodle-loo!

December 18, 2002 at 5:18 pm Leave a comment

December 2002